Materials To Be Used For Practical By CCEM Students During Seminar On
“Reasons You Have To Witness And Holy Spirit Evangelism”
Prepared By Pastor Wole Olakunle, Dr Abayomi O. And Pastor Douglas Samuel Osezojie
Introduction: Matt 6:31-34;1Cor.9:19 23;Jam. 5:20, Prov. 11:30
The task of evangelism has taken a new dimension as evangelism strategy is now formulated to take into cognizance the practical realities of our time. Every generation is different from another and so also the strategy to reach them. The world is changing and the strategy of outreach has to change. If the world is going through various changes in economy, weather, politics, etc., then the strategy to reach today’s people must also give way to modern means of evangelism. In this seminar, we shall study reasons for evangelism.
NO 1 – Vs 16 To help Jesus go where He wanted to go. To help Him do what He has in mind to do.
NO 2 – Vs 13 It is the platform for the demonstration and confirmation of God’s power -Mark 16:15-18
NO 3 – Vs 9, 17-18 The power of God becomes REAL and OPERATIONAL in our life and SATAN’S DEFEAT is affirmed. Devils are subjected to us.
NO 4 – It brings three dimensional joy. (a) Joy to God. Vs 21. Joy to Jesus. The verse says, “Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit.” – Joy in heaven. Luke 15:7 – Joy before angels in heaven. Luke 15:10 (b) Joy to the believer (the soul winner). “And the seventy returned again with joy” – verse 17 (c) Joy to saved person. “And there was great joy in that city.” Acts 8:8
NO 5 – 10:19 The power of God is INCREASED in the lives of Christians when they evangelize. The power of God is a graduated thing. It can increase based on the spiritual responsibilities we carry in the kingdom of God. Soul winning is a vital key in the power increase process. Compare Verse 19 to 7-9. In Luke 10:19, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” This does not speak of fresh power but an increased one and a graduated one.
- Sins and sinners are on the increase daily Jeremiah 5:28, 2 Timothy 3:1-6. The influence of the television, internet and film culture is fast destroying the moral fabric of our present day society. Christians must preach the gospel because of sinful vices that have taken over the world.
- Death and judgment are sure and sudden (Hebrews 9:27, Job 20:23) Christians must preach the gospel to everyone because of the certainty of judgment after death. When a man dies, no amount of prayer at that point can change his destination.
- The gift of the Holy Spirit is to make the Church an effective witness (1 Corint.s 12: 7-12, 1 Corinthians 12:7, Act 1:8).
- That is the proper way to show our gratitude for what God has done for us (Mark 5:19-20). Witness shows our obedience and also qualifies us to receive from Him.
- There are few labourers (Matthew 9:37-38). There is steady decline in soul winning efforts in our present day Church because of the misplaced priorities of the Church. Desire for missions is going into extinction. Church of today is becoming inwardly focused and vast majority of Christians are losing sight of the harvest field of the world.
Introduction: Text: Acts 1:8; Luke 24:49
The first successful mass evangelism exploits of the early church was under the active initiation of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and subsequent evangelism breakthrough, happened through the activation of the Spirit of God.
- Holy Spirit Evangelism is a Spirit-led soul winning initiative where the Holy Spirit is at the centre of control.
- It is an authentic evangelism strategy spearheaded by human beings under the guidance and control of the Holy Spirit.
- It is a soul winning initiative carried out by Spirit controlled men.
- Holy Spirit helps us in praying and interceding for souls Rom 8:26, Zech 12:10
- To avoid untold and unyielding toiling and labouring John 15:5
- Evangelism is the work of Holy Spirit (Acts 20:23). So true conversion of soul into God’s kingdom is His work. John 3:5- 8, Galatians 4:29
- To avoid falling into the trap of the enemy Acts 16:6-7, Acts 21:4
- To direct us to the harvest location and plant in the right soil. Acts 8:29, 11:12, 16:6-7, 9-10.
- To help in genuine conversion of sinners. John 16:8-10, Acts 2:37- 41.
(1) Backslided life or unregenerate of Soul winner. 2 Peter 2:18-22, Heb. 6:1-6
(2) Fear or inferiority complex 2 Tim 1:7
(3) Ignorance – Hosea 4:6 – (a) of the word (b) of act of the Holy Spirit (4) Insensitivity to the move of Holy Spirit. Spiritual deafness, Isaiah 5:13
(4) Disobedience to the instruction of the Holy Spirit. 1 Peter 2:8
(5) Lack of enough prayers and faith. 1 Thess. 5:17, Matthew 17:20-21
(6) Lack of patience on the part of soul winner, 1 Thess. 5:14, Prov 14:29, etc.
- Build-up your spirit-man by (a) Praying in Holy Ghost. Jude 20-23 (b) Pray and bind the devil who holds people in bondage before going to reach out to them. Matthew 12:29 (c) Engage in persistent prayer. Mark 11:22-24, 1 Thess. 5:17. (d) Be sensitive of the leading of the Holy Spirit Rom. 8:14
- Make sure you live a consecrated (purified) life Romans 1:4
- Make sure you worship God in the Spirit and truth John 4:23-24
- Be grounded in the word of God 2Tim 2:15. Read, Study, Meditate, Confess and do the word. Study and know the relevant passage to apply.
- Step out in confidence. (a) Let your confidence be in the Holy Spirit Heb 10:35 (b) Build and walk in faith. Be bold as you go to anyone or wherever Holy Spirit leads you. Rom 10:14-17
- Be sensitive to Him Rom 8:14 (a) Say what He wants you to say (b) Do what He wants you to do. (c) Do not grieve him Eph. 4:30 (d) Be conscious of Him as you discuss with people.