Christian Resource Books
These resource books which are written by
Dr Dipo Toby Alakija are part of the textbooks that are used some institutions and Christian organizations to raise and train Church workers, Ministers and other Christian Professionals.
A Collection Of Christian Resource Materials
The first question is how Christianity is practiced even in a hostile environment. Next to that is the question about the potentials of Christians in spite of their apparent limitations. The other issues are connected to the successes, deliverance, callings, basic ministries of all Christians and evangelism. Various schools of thoughts have attempted these questions but many answers only portray Christianity as a form of religion instead of a way of life as specified by God. Some answers give room for compromise, hypocrisies, dogmas and denominational doctrines. The misconceptions about these areas of Christianity have brought about worldliness instead of righteousness and false achievements instead of fulfillment. This book which contains six different subjects had been used to hold seminars at various levels, train ministers and Christian workers in Bible Schools and to equip the Church. It explains in simple terms the seemingly complex issues on practice of Christianity, Potentials, Deliverance, God’s Kind Of Success, Evangelism and Basic Ministries of a Christian with Biblical principles, life transforming stories and illustrations.
A Collection Of Christian Resource Materials
As it is common to say that the hood does not make a monk, the dignified positions and bogus titles of many Christian leaders in modern days do not really make them Gospel Ministers. This course book – a compilation of five resource materials on Missions And Outreach Ministries, Christian Communication Arts, Christian Leadership, Christian Education Methodology and Ministries Of Improvisations – aims at making every matured Christian an effective minister and leader at their respective homes, in communities and nations. It teaches various ways Christians can meet up to their responsibilities and commitments as ministers and leaders that reconcile people to God and edify the Body Of Christ, reaching out to souls at the same time. All of the resource materials are in use in Bible Schools like College Of Christian Education And Missions, Churches and other ministries to raise Christian workers, Evangelists, Missionaries and other Ministers that serve at various levels and leadership capacities.
A Collection Of Christian Resource Materials
The world is not in need of those who will fix errors of humanity but in dire need of matured Christians that would use their gifts to communicate the word of God and lead their families, the Church, communities and their countries in the way of righteousness. Very few of them, however, seem to have what it takes to take their positions as leaders and ministers in their spheres despite their God-given potentials. Thus this Course Book – a compilation of five resource materials on Christian Oral Communications, Christian Drama Communications, Christian Musical Communications, Christian Human Resources and Children Evangelism – makes serious attempts to introduce everybody into various creative ministries that are required in the Body of Christ and in the world. It teaches in a simple manner the management of human resources and the ways Christians can use their gifts to reach out to souls through speaking, writing, drama, media, musical and children ministries. The resource materials equip and help individuals to identify their callings, providing Biblical principles and guidelines on how to be effective and productive in the service of the Lord in spite of the hostile environments.
The Children Of God And The Slaves
This edition begins with children world where stories like “Ben, The Child Atheist”, “Lola And The Bible” and “The Three Brave children” are used to teach children of all age groups about the existence of God and the need to study and obey the Bible. The article: “A critical Debate Between An Atheist Professor And His Christian Student” makes the youths and adults appreciate the passage in Psalm 14:1, which says, “a fool says in his heart, ‘there is no God…’ ” There are study articles like “The supreme God,” “The Belief in reincarnation” with the major one: “The children of God And The slaves” which treat the issues of man existing in three parts: The Body, The Spirit and The soul. They expose the readers so the realm of the Spirits. Apart from the drama episode titled: “Going Haywire,” there are evangelical materials like “Cheap And Expensive lies”, “The woman with four Lovers,” “Encounter with Demon from The Grave,” “The Life That saves All” and other teaching stories and articles.
The Children World exposes young minds to things of the spirit through creative use of poems, songs, illustrated stories and Bible lessons. The Youth World is also rich with edifying articles, poems and stories like: “Who Would Share My Burden?” and “Do You Take This Woman As Your Beloved Wife?” The World Of Adults And Christian Professionals begins with the final message of Keith Green who died of plane crash, titled: “Why You Should Go To The Mission Field.” The Christian Education Section treats the issue of Christians and Christianity. Next to that is adult story titled: “Lust Affairs” which is the second episode in the drama book titled: “Footsteps In The Mud.” Another story titled: The Land That Has Lost Its Peace” follows the drama. Articles and tracts materials proceed the main subject of “The Days Of Gross Darkness”, which extensively teaches and illustrates the spiritually blindness of the modern world in spite of the increase of knowledge. Christian Education And Ministration Services Seminars titled: “Christian Leadership, “Christian Leadership Character”, “Patterns; Principles And Power Of Delegation” and “Social Vices Destroy Lives” provide more teaching materials. Other articles and tract materials complement this edition. .
Illustrative Sermon Books
These illustrative sermon books are designed by Dr Dipo Toby Alakija to equip every Christian the word of God and sermon materials that can be used to preach others. Thus Bible College students, missionaries and other ministers are equipped with enough materials to start and maintain their ministries in the Church, Campus, School, Prison, Home, Office and other Fellowships.
A Collection Of Sixty Illustrative Sermons With Life-Transforming Stories For Missionary Works, Group And Personal Studies
Most people are oblivious of the fact that the world is fast coming to an end despite the warnings of Jesus Christ in Mark 13:7-22 where the signs of the inevitable destruction of the world are revealed. These signs include wars with nations rising against nations, earthquakes in various places, famines, pandemic, depressions, persecutions of Christians, abominations of desolations, lock-down and other tribulations. Despite these events which are obvious fulfillment of these prophesies in these modern days, most people; including Christians are still not prepared for eternity.
In order to prepare Christians and inform every other person about eternal destinations, these illustrative and authoritative sermons which are delivered by the preacher and author of this book to hundreds of thousands of people online are compiled for group or personal studies.
The author uses real life events and illustrations to explain the mysteries of the two eternities, teaching the ways to reach each of destinations as revealed in the Bible.
To read more of this book, click Google Books.
A Collection Of Sixty Illustrative Sermons With Life-Transforming Stories For Missionary Works, Group And Personal Studies
Just like other series of illustrative sermons, this book explains the central themes in the Bible. It addresses the only way to the kingdom of God; the plans of salvation of mankind and the eternal destruction of souls in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death, according to Revelation 21:8.
The sixty illustrative sermons in this book are designed to teach and preach the word of God to different categories of people that range from non-Christians to Christian professionals. With the use of intriguing real-lfe stories and compelling illustrations, the preacher and author defines the main purposes of life on earth which are to be used to serve God, share it with others and to fight the decisive battle of eternal life and death.
Most of the materials are used to communicate the word of God to hundreds of thousands of people in different parts of the world.
To read more of this book, click Google Books.
A Collection Of Sixty Illustrative Sermons With Life-Transforming Stories For Missionary Works, Group And Personal Studies
The world had been under spiritual attacks since the time the devil and other fallen angels lost their positions in heaven, according to Revelation 12: 7-12. These spiritual battles are evident through chain of catastrophes that befall mankind. Since all human beings are threatened with eternal destruction in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, according to Revelation 21:8, Jesus Christ is offered as the way out, according to John 3:16. Thus salvation through him guarantees eternal life in the kingdom of God, according to what he says in John 14:6. However, he warns in Matthew 11:12, “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.”
Just like other series, this illustrative sermon book reveals lots of mysteries about eternity, equips and prepares end-time soldiers of Jesus Christ who, going by what is happening all over the world, are greatly outnumbered by those working for the enemies of mankind.
To read more of this book, click Google Books.
Youth And Children Bible Club Story Books
These books are designed by Dr Dipo Toby Alakija for children and youth missionary works in schools, homes and other places.
A Collection Of Stories, Bible Lessons, Nursery Rhymes And Songs
An adage says, “a man who builds a house without building his child builds what the child will later sell.” Proverbs 22:6 says, “train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” This book is an attempt to assist parents and teachers to meet up to the challenges that befall them in carrying out this important function in the light of the moral decadence that is prevailing all over the world. The first edition of the book was used by several thousands of teachers, ministers and parents in schools, Churches and homes to build the moral values of young ones. Apart from the stories, songs and Bible passages for the young ones to study, there is a seminar material that is based on the lecture which the author delivered to school proprietors, children ministers and Christian professionals in this volume.
To read more of this book, click Google Books.
A Collection Of Stories, Poems And Bible Lessons
Although this book serves as a follow-up to the stories and lessons in Foundation Bible Club A-Z Story Book, it is a separate academic; evangelical and Ministration tool to reach out and teach young ones in primary and junior high schools. Just like other volumes, it contains stories, songs, poems, Bible lessons and class activities that can be used by parents and ministers at homes, Churches, Schools, Bible Clubs and other Fellowships. It is a manual that assists them in boosting the moral values of children of all age groups in the modern days that are characterized with brainwashing information, ungodly teaching materials and entertainments. Apart from the contents for the young ones, there are also lectures and tips on how to effectively use the book to raise God-fearing children. All the published volumes of the book are used by hundreds of thousands of parents, teachers, ministers and other Christian professionals.
To read more of this book, click Google Books.
A Collection Of 26 Stories, 26 Poems 26 Hymn tuned Songs And Bible Lessons
The issue of moral instructions in schools and at homes is threatened with extinction. Consequently, so many youths are involved in prostitution, drug addictions, cultism, fraudulent practices, armed robberies and other crimes. Those who are supposed to be trained as leaders in various walks of life are the ones posing serious threats to many lives. Many parents who fail to add moral values to the upbringing of their children often times breed potential criminals under their roofs without knowing it. Apart from these, many other people negatively influence young ones through the media, music, publications, films, conduct and foul language; making them to lose their moral and family values. This book one just like the rest of other volumes is an attempt to bring back moral instructions into schools and campuses through the use of stories, hymn tuned songs, poems, Bible lessons and class activities. It is designed to assist teachers and ministers in Secondary Schools, Bible Clubs, Churches and Campus Fellowships to teach people, especially youths the Word of God and serves as a school text book in subjects relating to literature, music and other creative works.
To read more of this book, click Google Books.
Drama Books
A Collection Of Twenty-Nine Intriguing Plays That Are Based On Real Life Experiences
When Kanbi was having an affair with Mendi who was a virgin at the time they met, he did not know he was going into a covenant with spirit of death. He eventually jilted her after she became pregnant. The consequence of that was to give the spirit death rooms to shed the blood of every woman he later married. This made him to run frantically for deliverance before was knocked down dead.
The other twenty-seven short plays in this collection are also based on real life experiences, treating various issues that boil on physical and eternal consequences of both good and bad choices. The plays are titled: “Delivered From Temptation And Blessed By God”, “Christianity Without Christian Virtues Is Blindness”, “The Bad Foundation Of A Christian Home”, “I Am Angry At God!” “Dangers In Materialism”, “Hands That Are Filled With Blood”, “The Horror In Marriage”, “The Hawks And The Easy Prey,” “Vanity Is Opposed To Eternity, “Removal Of Sins Makes Sinners Saints”, “Ignorance That Brings Needless Pains”, “The Spiritual Attacks Against Christians”, “The Agony Of A Loving Mother,” “The Worst Persecution Of A Christian”, “The Sins Of Omissions”, “The Evidence Of The Invisible”, “Who Do You Please With Your Life?” “Prophetess Jezebel In The Church Of Jesus Christ”, “Let The Dead Bury The Dead”, “Blessing Without Christ Is Crisis”, “The Chicken; The Hawk And Eagle Christians”, “The Promise Which Does Not Fail”, “Suffering Christians Cause Deaths Of Souls”, “The Lying Tongue From Pit Of Hell”, “The Deadly Diseases In The Body Of Christ”, “The Heart That Is Not Grateful”, “From Beauty To Ashes” and “The Generations With Self-Destruction Tendencies”
To read more of this book, click Google Books.
A Collection Of Twenty-Nine Intriguing Plays That Are
Based On The Generation Gap And Real Life Experiences
According to the drama form of paper presentations in this collection, mankind is duly equipped to destroy itself right from World War II Generation up to the Global Generations known as the Millennial and Alpha. Some of the people who equip every generation with technologies and other tools are known as the Globalists. Going by various findings of researchers, the Globalists orchestrated world major events like the two world wars which shaped the psyche of every passing generation.
The main story in this collection of dramas which are all either based on real life experiences or historical facts has to do with a man whose wife denied him of his conjugal rights. This exposed him to temptation to commit adultery with a lady who went to him for prayers. He went to his friend who provided an unorthodox way to solve his problem.
The other twenty-eight short plays in this collection are titled: “The Generations With Self-destruction Tendencies”, “The Generations That Are Programmed To Destroy Themselves”, “The Two Cold-hearted Generations”, “Generations At War Against One Another”, “The Generations That Actually Went Rogue”, “The Conflicts Between The Young And Old Generations”, “The Making Of An Abusive Husband”, “Deformations Of Generations With Disinformation”, “The Beautiful Ones That Are Not Born But Made”, “Consequences Of Bad Choices”, “A House Divided Against Itself”, “Destructive Sins Of Sexual Immorality”, “The Battle In The Flesh”, “The Worst The Devil Can Do To You”, “Bad News Is Dirty Enough To Pollute Good Minds”, “Signs And Wonders From Pit Of Hell”, “God Hates Divorce”, “Strange Woman In A Christian Home”, “The Star Which Does Not Shine Again”, “Deliverance From Temptation To Fornicate”, “Lack Of Contentment Leads To Ungodliness”, “The Unity Of Faith”, “The Star Which Does Not Shine”, “Cultist In The Hood Of Christian Priest”, “The Rulers Of Darkness Rule The World”, “Darkness In The House Of God,” “The Christian Who Wants To Die Without Christ” and “Blind Leadership Of Blind Leaders”.